SBMEN resources comprise of our handbooks to enhance editors’ professional development, our quarterly newsletter, Quality Revision, and knowledge resources to assist writers and editors in their freelance practice. These resources will be uploaded on our website, and they include:
Digital Books: These digital handbooks as they develop will aligned with our editorial curriculum. Subjects will focus on editing, writing, business and editorial management and other subjects that can help editors’ development. These handbooks can serve as supplementary resources for both practicing and budding editors. These guides are been developed by professionals and will be available for sale in e-book PDF formats only on the website.
Newsletter: Our quarterly newsletter, Quality Revision will be available to members only. It will contain useful information for members who wish to stay informed on the industry, job listings and trends. It is also open for members who wish to advertise at good rates.
Online Knowledge Guides: These short guides will provide basic fundamental information with instructions that support freelance business practice such as contract templates, style guide, checklists, style sheets, which will be hosted online. The style guide will contain recommendations on standard that are widely practiced in publishing. The guide will be based on UK English usage (RP), and Nigerian English. It will provide examples of how to cite references and use punctuations.
Online Directory: SBMEN directory will feature job listings for members to enhance their professional development, careers and businesses. This will be SBMEN accessible to members only and featured in the quarterly newsletter.